Cyclones Event- QUT Gardens Point and Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Wednesday 07th July 2021

Wednesday 07th Jul 2021 15:00 - 16:30 EST
Club event
Long, Short, Easy
Punching system
Event form
Orienteering Queensland

Enter Now and pay on the day, if the event doesn't go ahead due to covid restrictions, you will not be made to pay.
Starts: 3-4.30pm.
SI Air will be used.
Cost: $10 individual, $6 junior, $25 max (family)
Courses: Long (3km), Short (2km), Easy (1km)
Please register online and pay on the day. If you haven't pre-entered, you can register when you arrive.
Start and finish are close to the Alice St entry into the gardens.
Public transport is the best way to access this event, by ferry to the QUT terminal or bus to Alice St, however, paid parking is available around the gardens, the city and QUT.
There will be dinner and drinks afterwards at Howard Smith Wharves at Felons for anyone who wants to hang out with the senior camp group.

Click here to view the latest details on Eventor and enter the event

Events are updated from the Eventor website once every 8 hours.
Event last updated: July 07, 2021 10:00pm

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