Financial assistance to compete at state and national events
Financial assistance is available to juniors up to 18 yrs competing at a state or national orienteering championships may be eligible to apply for one or both of the following programs.
Young Athlete Travel Subsidy (YATS)
YATS is a State Government initiative that replaced the Young Athlete Assistance program from 1/7/15.The new travel subsidy provides an allocation of funding that better reflects the costs associated with competing at state, national and international competitions. Eligible athletes and officials will be able to apply for assistance for attendance at one eligible event at each of the three tiers, once every two calendar years.
The following funding is available for each tier of competition:
- $200 for state or state school events
- $400 for national or national school events
- $600 for international events
In an effort to make it easier for athletes and officials to apply for the travel subsidy, the Govt has provided an online application system. Verification of the attending athletes and officials will be an integral part of the online system.
Local sporting champion program
The Local Sporting Champions program is an Australian Government initiative designed to provide up to $500 financial assistance for young people aged 12-18 towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing, coaching or officiating at an official national sporting organisation (NSO) endorsed state, national or international sporting championships or a School Sport Australia state or national championships.
Unlike the Young Athlete Assistance Program, the LSC program must be applied for in ADVANCE of the event, preferably once the applicant has been confirmed as a member of the team. The applicant must be between 12 and 18 yrs, and live more than 125kms from the championship venue.
These grants are limited in number per region, but worth applying for. The application must be done online via Local Sporting Champions Program - Individual Application
Visit Sport Austalia for details
Financial assistance to join a club and compete at events
Financial assistance is available to juniors up to 18 yrs to join a club and compete events.
QLD GOVT "Get Started" assistance program
Children and young people from the age of five and under the age of 18 who hold or whose parent, guardian or carer holds a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and are residents of Queensland can apply for a $150 Get Started voucher, which they can redeem from a registered club. It can be used for junior membership fees, and payment of event entry fees. Most of our affiliated clubs are registered to accept vouchers.
Vouchers can be applied for at the beginning of the year, and again in July. As they are allocated on a first come first serve basis, eligible parents are encouraged to apply as soon as applications are opened.
QLD Government Get started website