Totally Tropical Orienteering Club ( TTQ)

Townsville district

Totally Tropical Orienteering Club (TTOC) is Townsville's Orienteering and Rogaining Club. A small group of enthusiastic Orienteers who plan and conduct events in and around Townsville and complete throughout North Queensland and Australia.

TTOC is also involved in planning and conducting events for the Scouts, Council Holiday Programs and the Army, as well as providing assistance with school programs.

For information on Events and Results click on the links to the right.

For the latest news items and images, please go to our Facebook Page shown on the right and like us.

Please feel free to Contact us at for more information about the club and our sport.  Phone 0418 154 026


How do I get Involved?

TTOC has no annual club membership fee and participants are considered to be members once they join the club mailing list. TTOC Members will receive an email in the week leading up to an event so they know the event details and the start location; and another one after the event with results and event write-up. You don't need to panic about being spammed! Participants pay $5 per event they attend to cover insurance and event costs.

TTOC Events

The TTOC Calendar runs from February to September each year and involves a range of events including;

Cross-country - come and try out our Bush Events at JCU, Mt Louisa, Palm Tree Gully and Mingela

Street-Park Scatter Events - with a mega-map that covers a huge amount of Townsville, we are spoilt for choice, great events that suit the whole family; bikes and prams included. Coaching Events - an opportunity to gain some skills and confidence with navigation

Urban Adventure Series - a day and night treasure hunt style event full of fun and surprises!

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