Club contacts
- President
- Sebastien Lhote
- uglygully@oq.asn.au
- Vice President
- Vacant
- Secretary
- Mark Crowe
- ugsecretary@oq.asn.au
- Treasurer
- Tony Howes
- ugtreasurer@oq.asn.au
- Technical Officer
- Tim McIntyre
- Events Coordinator
- . Ben Schulz
- Mapping Coordinator
- Brenton Gray
- Membership Officer
- Liz Ferguson
- NightNav Coordinator
- Juliana de Nooy
- Blue Card Coordinator
- Linda Burridge
- Promotions & Development Officer
- Vacant
Ugly Gully Orienteering Club (UGQ)
Running Ipswich, the Scenic Rim and the Western Suburbs of Brisbane
Ugly Gully is located off Mt Crosby Road on the way to Karana Downs, and for many years was a popular picnic site and waterhole. The club was named after a map planned for the area and despite discovering it was too rough for orienteering, the name stuck!
The aims of the Ugly Gully Club are to .....
- Ensure that participants feel welcome
(we're a very friendly lot!)
- Assist in learning about orienteering
- Provide support to individuals, families and groups in orienteering.
For information on Events and Results click on the links to the right.
For the latest news items and images, please go to our Facebook Page shown on the right and like us.
Please feel free to Contact us at uglygully@oq.asn.au for more information about the club and our sport.
Further Information
Our club brochure can be downloaded here
A Guide to organising events (for organisers, course setters, controllers) can be downloaded here
The Constitution of Ugly Gully Orienteers Incorporated can be downloaded here.