Training activity at Brooklands, north of Dalveen

Sunday 19th February 2023

Sunday 19th Feb 2023 09:00 - 09:00 EST
Club event
Moderate, Easy, Very Easy
Punching system
Event form
Entries opened
Entry closing date
Thursday 16th Feb 2023 23:59 EST
Bullecourt Boulder Bounders

This is a low key bush event for students wanting to attend the Darling Downs schools orienteering trials on 9 March. There will be a briefing for everyone at 9am. Very Easy, Easy and Moderate courses will be available. Cost will be $5, payable by cash on the day.

Directions: From Warwick, travel approx. 37km south on the New England Highway and turn off at Dalveen. Go past
the shop and take the first turn on the left and then left into the old Stanthorpe/Warwick Road. Follow for 9km and
turn left into paddock before passing under the railway bridge. Alternatively, from Warwick take the old
Stanthorpe/Warwick Road from the roundabout near the saleyards and travel for approx. 28.5km. Shortly after passing
under the railway line, turn right into a paddock.

From Stanthorpe, take the New England Highway 20km north and turn left towards Dalveen village under the Highway.
Turn right at Jim Mitchell Park and left into the Old Warwick/Stanthorpe Road and travel for 9km to the assembly area in a paddock on the left.

Click here to view the latest details on Eventor and enter the event

Events are updated from the Eventor website once every 8 hours.
Event last updated: February 16, 2023 08:00am

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