Lode Creek, east of Stanthorpe

Sunday 03rd April 2022

Sunday 03rd Apr 2022 09:00 - 13:00 EST
Club event
Hard 1 - 5km, Hard 2 - 4.1km, Hard 3 - 3km, Moderate 1 - 4.1km, Moderate 2 - 3.5km, Easy -2.1km, Very Easy - 1.8km
Punching system
Event form
Bullecourt Boulder Bounders

This event will use the northwestern section of the Border Hills map used for Day 2 of last year's Qld Championships. It is generally good running in semi-open grazed paddocks with lots of scattered granite outcrops.
Directions: From Warwick, travel into Stanthorpe and turn left into Amosfield Road about 400m past the showgrounds. Follow for 2.4km before turning right into Dalcouth Road. Follow for about 2.4km and then go straight ahead into Mills Road. Keep following Mills Road for 6km until it turns left into Gilbard Road and then it is about 1.5km to the parking in a paddock on the left, just before Gilbard Road swings right. There is a low level causeway along Gilbard Road which is subject to flooding so in the event of significant rain alternative access will be via the Sugarloaf Road.

From Stanthorpe, head south from the town centre and after crossing over Quart Pot Creek, take the Sugarloaf Road (second on the left). Follow for 4km until it veers left off what now becomes Eukey Road. Continue following the Sugarloaf Road for a further 4.3km before turning left into Gilbard Road. This is a good gravel road, suitable for all cars but it does cross over Thirteen Mile Creek on a concrete causeway and there may be water flowing over it. Follow Gilbard Road for 2.7km before parking as directed in a paddock on the right, just after a sharp left hand bend.

NOTE: Check on Eventor for last minute details about access in case of flooding
This will be a good event to practice your navigation in granite ahead of the Easter events at Kingaroy.

Click here to view the latest details on Eventor and enter the event

Events are updated from the Eventor website once every 8 hours.
Event last updated: April 04, 2022 08:00am

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