OY - Bluestone South

Sunday 06th September 2020

Sunday 06th Sep 2020 09:00 - 12:00 EST
Club event
Hard 1, Hard 2, Hard 3, Hard 4, Hard 5, Moderate 1, Moderate 2, Easy, Very Easy
Punching system
Event form
Orienteering Queensland

Parking on Allawah Rd, Mt Crosby (near Willeen Circuit).

General stuff
Nearest toilets are at Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve. There are no toilets or water at the event. Runners on the longer courses should carry their own water if desired. Pre-entry only. This section of map has been recently updated and a number of courses will venture into areas not used for quite a while where plantings have now grown sufficiently to provide reasonable runnability.

Estimated course lengths.
Course Controls Length
Hard 1 - 24 - 6.9 km
Hard 2 - 19 - 5.6 km
Hard 3 - 18 - 4.6 km
Hard 4 - 16 - 3.6 km
Hard 5 - 9 - 2.1 km
Moderate 1 - 14 - 3.6 km
Moderate 2 - 13 - 3.0 km
Easy - 10 - 2.1 km
Very Easy - 11 - 1.9 km

Note terrain is generally undulating with areas of flat often slow run in semi-open with new plantings or higher grass. At the time of visiting in August there was very little by way of grass in seed however gaiters are recommended. All competitors, including those entering Easy or Moderate standard, should wear shoes suitable for running on rocky creeky beds.

Starts 9am to 10:00am. Strictly no late starts. If heavy rain or lightning is forecast competitors will be emailed if the event needs to be postponed.

Entry fees Members (Non-Members): Adult $12 ($18) Junior $8 ($12) Family $36 ($54)

Students wishing to use this OY event as a selection race for the Qld Schools Team should run the following classes:
• Senior Boys - Hard 2
• Senior Girls - Hard 3
• Junior Boys - Moderate 1
• Junior Girls - Moderate 2
Attention Junior Boys/Girls (15 yrs and under at 31 Dec 2020): We would prefer that you run a Moderate course and run it well, however, if you wish to run a hard course (and have experience running hard courses), please run Hard 4.
If you have any questions, please contact jundevcom@oq.asn.au

Click here to view the latest details on Eventor and enter the event

Events are updated from the Eventor website once every 8 hours.
Event last updated: September 13, 2020 02:00pm

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