Rockhampton Orienteering
Rockhampton and Capricornia region
Rockhampton doesn't have a structured club going at the moment. Any keen orienteers in the area who would like to get something established should contact the OQ Development Officer at development@oq.asn.au
In the meantime,some of the more popular park areas in Rockhampton are being set up with Smartphone courses that anyone can make use of using the MapRun App.
For the uninitiated, click HERE for information about the Maprun App which is free from your app store.
On the map,the start is shown as and the finish as a
.With all courses you must go through the start triangle to start your time, and finish by going through the finish control.The start and finish are often on the same feature and shown as
There's no charge to use these courses and you can use them anytime it suits. An access PIN is NOT required to view the course. You can walk it,run it or bike it where allowed.
On the App, they're all listed under the folder"Queensland",then under the folder "Rockhampton".
NOTE: Use of these maps in your own time is ,as always, at your own risk. Also. please remember to adhere to all Covid-19 regulations in place at the time..
The maps were updated in late 2018,so if you find any major changes,we'd appreciate feedback plus some photos emailed to Felicity at rroc.oq@gmail.com so they can be fixed.
For the "Score" courses listed you collect as many controls as you can, in any order, in 60 minutes. A penalty of 30 points is incurred for every minute over 60.
NOTE that different controls have different point values according to their number.Controls numbered in the 30's ( 30,31,32..39) are worth 30 points;controls numbered in the 40's (40,41,41..49) are worth 40 points,etc.
Click on the names below for a PDF hard copy of the map. Note that the map and course is also displayed on your smartphone.
Rockhampton Botanic Garden Score 1 Event: Starts and finishes at the top of the stairs east of the floral garden.