Queensland orienteers continue to do well at NSW Christmas 5 Days in Southern Highlands.
Day 2 was the Long Distance event at Belangalo State Forest, Day 3 was the Middle Distance at Penrose State Forest and Day 4 was the Middle Distance at Wattle Ridge.
Women's B: Mikaela Gray Day 2- 2nd | Day 3- 2nd | Day 4- 2nd; Meredith Gray Day 3- 4th
Women's E: Josephine Garbellini Day 3- 4th; Alison Bryant Day 4- 3rd
Men's C: Paul Garbellini Day 3- 4th; Brenton Gray Day 4- 2nd
Men's F: Adrian Garbellini Day 3- 4th | Day 4- 3rd
Men's G: Callum Bryant Day 4- 4th
M/W Novice: Franklin Smyth Day 2- 1st | Day 3- 3rd
Good luck to everyone for the final day of competition in the Sprint Event at St Gregory's College.
Full results at https://eventor.orienteering.asn.au/Events...
Find the dates: Day 2 28 Dec, Day 3 29 Dec and Day 4 30 Dec.